
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Never Too Late For Good Ideas

I should have submitted a car to the Pinewood Derby that was only carved enough to fit wheels on and written on the side with a black Sharpie would say, "Winning Isn't Everything."

Friday, May 22, 2009


If the only phrase that, according to Kurt Vonnegut, Americans can agree on is that “Sugar is sweet,” then I would go so far as to say that the whole world can agree that sugar is sweet. If that is the only thing that unifies humans on planet Earth, I think that’s a pretty good starting point. In fact, I would like to give a sweet, a chocolate, to every person on the planet. A giveaway of this magnitude has never been done before, but I believe that with current technologies there can be a global distribution system that reaches every person in the world.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Worcester 2

When I think of life and death I imagine myself as a snowman looking at the ocean.


I feel like a DJ at a college radio station: No one is listening to me.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gold teeth and a curse on this town

In 2002 I was watching MTV 2 and a video came on for a song called “New Slang” by the Shins. There is something so rustic yet so modern and, to quote another, “so nostalgic about a time that wasn’t that good anyway.” I fell in love with the song. I told everyone I knew about it and everyone told me it was a bad song. That was okay because I didn’t need validation from others to like a song. I downloaded the song and for the next few years I listened to it off and on.

Once it came out on DVD, I saw Garden State. Natalie Portman’s character puts headphones on Zach Braff’s character and tells him that the song she’s listening to will change his life. The song was “New Slang” and I was happy that someone else thought it was a good song, too, and that The Shins were getting some credit for it.

Then a person who I had showed the song to earlier showed it to me and said, “This is a great song.”
“No shit,” I said, “I showed it to you 3 years ago. You said it was bad then.” Then friend after friend of mine started talking about the song. MY SONG, the song that I found that they neglected was now picked up by the masses because Natalie Portman told a guy they laugh at that it would change his life. Bullshit.