
Thursday, May 20, 2010

1 Episode Of Lost To Go

There is only one episode of Lost to go, and these are the questions I have that I would like answered….

1. What is the Source and how does it heal people?
2. What is the nature of the smoke monster? Is it the evil side of the soul? Is it the evil side of the Source?
3. Who was the Fake Mother? Who brought her there?
4. Who built the 4-toed statue?
5. How were the Others, including Widmore, called to the island and are they ultimately serving Jacob or MiB?
6. Who were the people in the temple, including the old Japanese guy, and why is the flight attendant there?
7. What's up with Walt?
8. Who’s in behind the Dharma Initiative and are they on Team Jacob or MiB?
9. What’s makes Desmond special?
10. How has Jack changed now that he is the protector of the island?
11. Why did Desmond have to type in the numbers? What was he doing that was saving the world?